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@Shlomo if you squint, the picture looks like a Gondola meme.

@realman543 @Justicar @YoMomz well if we're talking preferences, I'm a fan of the classic impalement spike. It's simple and it makes a statement.

@realman543 @Justicar @YoMomz Correct, the power of corruption is that you have over-regulation AND selective enforcement, so that it's too expensive for most people to do business, but if you bribe enough politicians, you are above the law and can do anything you want.

You can't solve corruption with more laws. You need to actually rise up and overthrow the ruling class and publicly execute them in an Uno-reverse Nuremberg Trial.

@realman543 @Justicar @YoMomz saying "removing government regulation" is misleading because it's really things like minimum wage and mandatory benefits for workers, and environmental regulations to prevent pollution for manufacturing.

Most people would be in favor of lowering costs, but wouldn't be in favor of eliminating benefits, lowering pay, and enabling corporate pollution (even more than they already do).

@Justicar @YoMomz tariffs are a tax, which only makes prices higher. The intent is to make domestic good more attractive by making foreign goods more expensive, but the money just goes in the government's pockets, so it's just another sales tax.

@Littletoad the only thing they learned from being kicked out of so many countries was that they weren't being corrupt enough.

@Henhouse_Cockerel the Haitians didn't magically appear with their voodoo magic, they were let in. They will let in more and more until they are dealt with.

If your boat is sinking and you have someone actively drilling holes, the first thing you do before you start removing the water, is deal with the guy drilling the holes or else for every one hole you plug, 10 more will be drilled.

@Will2Power @Dicer we should execute them as an invading army and hang the traitors who let them in.

@Henhouse_Cockerel the issue isn't the Haitians, it's the police and politicians who are forcing them on you, and removing them requires a civil war.

That's a lot to ask from someone still hoping that someone not them will do something.

@sickburnbro why don't we deport all the pet eating raping welfare sponges other than because you need them to vote so you can continue to be a welfare sponge yourself?

@jebantyk a man bought a tungsten ring because he wanted a ring that wouldn't scratch and look brand new forever.

One day the man broke his finger and it became swollen and he couldn't take the ring off. Because the ring was tungsten, doctors couldn't cut through the ring with steel tools and they had to remove the finger.

The moral of the story is that forever cuts both ways. The beauty and challenge of life is to embrace change.

@teto TFW you can't afford a sex doll and the best you can do is pretend your hand is your waifu.

This is a very clever animated series that flips the "diversity" narrative on its head by showing white people taking over the native American's land using Leftist tactics.

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