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@Justicar if I could see the future I would play the lottery and not bother with investing.

@Scubbie Russia should also claim ALL of the land bridge between Turkey and Lebanon while they're at it.

@RR they were looking for the female hostage, and saw what was clearly a man and assumed he was the kidnapper.

@TenaciousGoat buy at the bottom of the market before the FED cuts rates.

@Scubbie @Mr_Mister @Zeb It won't work because the dollar is ALREADY digital. Calling it a "stable-coin" backed by itself is retarded.

Maybe they'll back it up with Bitcoin, that'll be even funnier.

@Scubbie @Zeb the dollar was already over 90% digital anyway. The whole point of backing the dollar with crypto is that it's "digital gold", but it's not. It's just the dollar again.

@Scubbie @Zeb stable coins are backed by dollars. How are dollars going to be backed by stable coins that are backed by dollars?

@BroDrillard only if you're white. All other groups get rewarded for having as many kids as possible.

@Terjesdatter The West wants the Alawis to die because they're allies of Iran and thus enemies of Israel.

human rights, international law, etc. don't exist wherever Israel is concerned. They're above the law and beyond any criticism. In fact, it's a crime to criticize them.

Weimar problems require Weimar solutions.

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