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I ate keto cereal and I've been farting and shitting all day. It wasn't even that good. I just wanted to try it. Holy shit, stay away! This is sugar-free gummy bears level of suffering.

Twitter is funny because nowhere else on the internet has people that are so monumentally bad at personal finance building huge brands on how to invest or manage assets

If you're doing keto, here are my top recommended snacks. Fit Crunch tastes like a candy bar. The Genius Gourmet bars taste like dehydrated ice cream, and the Keto ice cream bars are better than the "Carb Smart" bars that I've tried from other stores.

I found all of these at Costco. I've tried other brands, but these are the one I like the best.

"Late stage capitalism" = the government is hopelessly corrupt and the only solution is more government.

If corporations controlled the government, the richest man on Earth (Elon Musk) would have forced the government to embrace free speech instead of having to travel to Israel and watch propaganda films to get his advertisers back when the Jews took his shoes away.

What do you call it when we give Israel billions in foreign aid that they use to bribe our politicians? Capitalism?

Q: What do you call a woman's vagina after she's had an abortion?


The older the source you get the more reliable it is.
Hence why gabbers are fags as they represent the United States of Amnesia
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