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Posting the stream will take longer than usual because I'm recombining both videos into one.

In the meantime I found the conversation with Celestina's AI I referenced. Here are links. - part 1 - part 2

Guys, now hear me out here, what if and I know this may sound crazy but what if, it isn't the Jews but was actually women this whole time?

The ultimate problem is that people feel more than think. They do what feels good rather than what is right, and those who can resist and overcome this impulse are too few in number to ever become the basis of a society.

So we are doomed to base society off of the needs of the stupid, lazy, weak, and resentful, because there are far too many of them and not enough of us.

This is why wise men fucked off to live in the mountains by the way.

"Groundwork For The Metaphysics Of MGTOW"
AKA Marcus, is posting again.
One of the OG's

I got this tea for Christmas and it's pretty good. I wouldn't have thought that mint and lemon would make a good combination, but it works and it has lions mane in the tea.

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