Russians no longer fear the west technology. How soon until the rest of the world also stops fearing them? @Tfmonkey

Hello Fediverse! We are excited to be officially part of Mastodon 🥳

We're a voice communication platform for online & offline gaming, education, and business. We're currently hard at work at allowing you to host your very own "Homebase". Homebase is the Server where your chat account is created in. Nonetheless, you can still chat with other users that are located on other Homebases via federation.

Boost this post to spread the word and join us on our journey! 🙌 💙

More posts following soon!✌️

Well its that time of the year again for all PC gamers the steam sales have begun. Lets try not to blow all of our game money in one week.

Happy thanksgiving! @Tfmonkey

In the spirit of giving I animated one of my favorite moments from your streams.

Hope you enjoy!

Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.