
Happy thanksgiving! @Tfmonkey

In the spirit of giving I animated one of my favorite moments from your streams.

Hope you enjoy!

@Tfmonkey Thanks! I know I shouldn't care about validation but DAMN that felt good to hear!

@Hugh_Jazz @Tfmonkey Right! If you have any clips you want animated, send me the stream with a time code and I'll see what I can do. This was my 1st animation so it's only up from here.

@basedbagel @Hugh_Jazz @Tfmonkey An animated monkey ranting at a Mexican lawn service out of a window

@Scubbie @Hugh_Jazz @Tfmonkey That's perfect! 😂 I'm gonna find the audio and make it happpen!

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey

Well done for this. TFM now his own Danimations. I'll keep this in mind and send you the occasional clip.

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey
I found a few bookmarks that I made a while ago:
TFM Show 22/07/09
* why fascism doesn't work: 03:44:03
* fascism part 2: 03:50:04

TFM Show 22/07/30
* The birth of GiveSendBro: 01:45:27

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey
Found another good one:

TFM Show 22/08/06:
* TERFs having to eat the whole ass: 02:30:50

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey
And another.

TFM Show 22/08/13:
* Nature made men horny enough to put up with female bullshit: 01:25:52

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey
Noted. Keep em coming! I didn't expect to have a backlog this quick but I'm glad to see there's a demand for this. 😀

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey
Not a problem. I listen via an audio podcast app that makes bookmarking easy so if something funny or interesting comes up I sometimes bookmark it.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey Sweet! I'm thinking of starting a TFMclips tiktok (without the gamer words) to see if we can wake up a couple people before getting banned. What do you think?

I wanted to do YT shorts as well but I'm worried that if I make a clip YT channel and I get banned then TFM's legit channel might get the boot as well.

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey
Go for it. That would be hilarious if TFM had a following on TikTok while Andrew Tate is considered too extreme.

YT is fucked, just leave it to rot.

I haven't clipped in a while but now that you're doing this I'll listen out for good bits and send them along.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey Lol right?! Thanks for you input I'm gonna make it as soon as TFM says its ok.

I agree it's a real shame because YT used to be SO good. Oh how the mighty have fallen...

Thanks I appreciate it!

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey
No worries. I don't agree with all of TFM's positions but I don't have to.

His is a net positive message for dudes and I believe he has diagnosed the overall problem and inevitable solution correctly.

You're gonna have to say the gamer words though, no way around sugar-coating taking women's rights away. Hoes gonna get mad.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey I concur. He passes the 51% test with me and is funny as hell.

I agree his become a winner series hepled at a dark time.

I'm afraid you're right. But I was hoping I could user word games like the WEF. So instead TWRA we could say something like. "You will not have welfare and you will be happy. Get in the kitchen. Eat the sandwich. "

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey
If I were considering doing what you are I'd prefer to just bite the bullet and take my chances with clips of raw, uneditorialized, face-ripping rage-monkey wisdom with odd moments of transcendent zen.

Getting banned just means it's not the right time for that platform, or it's not the right platform.

But it's your thing, you do you. Just accept that hoes gonna be mad and be cool with it.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey Honestly I wouldn't mind going out with a bang, It just kind of annoys me that the message is so hard to find these days and it'd be nice to hake a way to reach the youth.

You've got a good point there. I'm still fighting back inkling that people just don't care about freedom anymore...

I agree 100% hoes will be mad lol! I'm certain I'll be banned eventually. I think big tech is such wasted potential because of power and feelings

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey
Sure, it's hard to find, but you found it. So did I.

It's the whole "Build it and they will come". If the Tate fiasco taught us anything it's that this kind of message couldn't land at a better time. So many guys are ready for it.

Glad you've accepted the inevitable:

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey 😂 Nice meme!

I agree completely. But lets not kid ourselves, most people couldn't spell mastodon let alone join it until everyones there. So being here makes you a little more perspicacious than most.

Which is why I like this platform. Reminds me of the old days of big tech.

@Brianhere @Tfmonkey

Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Funny enough me making these turned into a lucrative side business until recently when I lost all my clients.

In the future when work slows down I'll consider starting up again but for now I'm on an indefinite hiatus.

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