@WandererUber @machciv @Shadowman311 @TrevorGoodchild
Any white Nationalists that claim eastern europe/Balkans aren't white is lying
White people are the only race on earth with an alcohol tolerance.
No other race on earth can hold their liquor.
Arabs and Africans just don't drink.
Asians are lightweights
Only white people are capable of drinking heavy and living through it.
The balkans being full of alcoholics is proof that their white.
@VeganMGTOW heart disease is the leading cause of death in most developed nations.
Nigga, your cool and all but
All the vaxx deaths appear as heart disease, stroke or "long covid" on government statistics.
Do you reeaalllyy trust the government?
@UncleIroh if my government had forced me to take the shit, my plan was just to take my old van and live in the boonies till things eased up.
I had stocked up on food and water, plus other supplies.
Admittedly I was not very well prepared though, so it's good things didn't get that far.
Also, even if someone hasn't literally dropped dead, a person who has been vaccinated and boosted may be living with the effects of myocarditis without realizing it.
Not every case of myocarditis is immediately severe. A person can live with myocarditis without knowing it, possibly for years.
But it WILL catch up to people eventually. These people are dead men walking. A shame, because the majority of my family has been vaccinated and boosted.
A reminder that vaxx excess deaths are still going full pace.
From a couple of days ago:
@ColonReport when is the right going to abandon the "thin blue line?
@get I thank rule34 artists, they work hard for their money.