@Twothousandshadows @DoubleD @Tfmonkey
After many many many many iterations and experiments, I finally managed to get the best of the best. The most stunning images I could get the AI to create, based on my preferences. I mean 10/10 would impregnate in a heartbeat kind of stunning. I mean put me back on the plantation because I'm getting married kind of stunning.

This is based on the prompt rules 2k shadows posted before, trying to fix the bitch's hands & fingers.


The AI gets overwhelmed the more prompts you add.

That’s why I said at the start that I lost the ability to put her different places, the AI would do put her in a new location but start disobeying my other prompts.

Like it started giving my girl short hair, super man face, or weird eye colors… so she wasn’t but her sister was having fun at the beach lmao.

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@Twothousandshadows definitely noticed this. Also, prompts like "hyper" don't do anything. Feminine probably makes a difference, but the AI generally doesn't seem like it was trained on leftist androgynous non binary fetishism.

The man chin you saw was probably related to the AI making an "adult" "mature" woman. "Young" is an illegal prompt there (understandable) , so you have to lower the age ceiling instead. In exclusions, write "old age" and "middle-aged." Always makes fertile stock this way

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