The term conspiracy theorist was coined to counter anyone who questioned the government.

The psy-op worked so well that even when you tell people the origin of the term they don't care.

You're still a crazy conspiracy theorist.


For real, tried red pilling a normie about this and they just drove over it like a speed bump and never looked back.

@UncleIroh @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu

I know you're memeing but I have gotten that SAME response verbatim back when I tried to red-pill normies in real life.

Twas a fools errand that brought me so much pain but Lord know my intentions were pure.


@basedbagel @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu

I stopped trying after covid.

I will only state my views if asked, and when I'm asked it's usually because someone got redpilled and can no longer lie to themselves.

It's happened just once.

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