We've all noticed MGTOW going mainstream. It seems women are just beginning to realize that they fucked up somewhere somehow.

But really, how blue-pilled are the normies in our circles? Really?

Among friends, family and co-workers, which applies the most:


One of my family members caught me on the TRP subreddit but they chalked it up to a bad break up.

95% of society is blue pill and they DO NOT want to hear anything otherwise


That's also my experience.

The two options that most apply to me are "most or all don't know what it is or why it exists" and
"most who know my views think I'm crazy".

It still surprises me how blue-pilled the world is.

@UncleIroh @basedbagel

They already thought I was crazy

Some black person told me he should never fight a woman even if she attacks him and also said he thinks women's vote should be taken away

He does not know basic math and can not understand the economics of it and is a hardcore Democrat because he likes welfare money

But he just does not like that, "Men can not be men"

No one else I know offline directly told me they support taking women's voting rights away & he is not consistent

@shortstories @UncleIroh

It used to shock me before covid but I realized something.

"If you have a good woman you have a good life. If not you become a philosopher."

I know a couple guys that were grandfathered into lovely wives and they would never think to find MGTOW/Red pill content.


@basedbagel @shortstories

> "If you have a good woman you have a good life. If not you become a philosopher."

It's also why we're in a philosophy bull market. I'm long on philosophy right now, super bearish on good women.

Fully advise to short good women as they still have a good way to fall in price.

Disclaimer: take financial advice from Retired Fire Nation Generals at your own discretion.

@UncleIroh @basedbagel

Jews have the right to establish their own govsrnment inside the reeducation camps they need to be deported to in order to learn to be more tolerant and less racist

But they should not have the right to interfere in other people's government

@shortstories @UncleIroh

"Jews have the right to establish their own govsrnment"

Had me in the 1st half, not gonna lie.

But I think you meant to put this in the other chat?

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