
At some point we're going to get a Lord of The Rings reboot.

Here's my outline script:

"It's 2024 in the Shire, and Hobbit hoes have started voting for Sauron.

They're cucking their Hobbit husbands with Orcs and advocating for lady Hobbit abortion rights.

Miracle baby Hobbits with Orc-ish features occasionally appear and are given names like Azog and Gorgol.

Dual-citizen gay dwarves are in charge and it's up to Frodo & the incel gang to make it right."

That's all I've got so far.

@UncleIroh - Are the elves being portrayed as an evil invading army, when they're trying to maintain their own sovereignty after numerous broken treaties, and be not gay? 🤔


You bring up a good point. I can definitely see the elves being smeared as the baddies.

Also I haven't figured out how Gandalf should be portrayed yet.

Feel free to add suggestions.

@UncleIroh I think this will make me start drinking again if it comes to fruition...

@fal1026 @UncleIroh The hobbit land doesn't have enough workers . They need to import orcs !!!

@UncleIroh @white_male @fal1026 I was looking for that video . It matches with the new version of the lord of the rings they want to create . For some reason in the Tolkien world every race lives isolate from other races. What was the message that Tolkien wanted to tell us ?

@ugly_bastard_reborned @white_male @fal1026

It's a specific type of Christian conservatism that was popular back in Tolkein's day called Distributism - favoring small-scale, local businesses and industries over large, centralized ones, etc..

C.S.Lewis and some others were also into it.

@UncleIroh @white_male @fal1026 Shieet . C.S.Lewis with the chronicles of Narnia . Where Aslan was Christ .

@UncleIroh @white_male @fal1026 I didn't like C.S Lewis because it was used for brainwashing kids with Christian thoughts .

@ugly_bastard_reborned @UncleIroh @fal1026 Christian thoughts are white culture. For about 1000 years already since most of Europe adopted, served us well enough.

@white_male @UncleIroh @fal1026 Would you classify the ones that identify as Christians as Christians ? That is my question .

@ugly_bastard_reborned @UncleIroh @fal1026 Most everybody born into in, even the lost sheep.
Definitely whites, some other too but visibly less compatible.

@ugly_bastard_reborned @white_male @fal1026

The linked X post below is from an Irish guy' who's Neitzschean, but he understands enough Chrisitian history to be able to draw a clear line from pagansim to the scientific method via monks.

@UncleIroh @ugly_bastard_reborned @fal1026 The motto that links my heart and mind right now is "people of God, God of the people".

I'm not going to pretend all those lines in the sand make us any different. Definitely not going to sperg over minutia. Our journey may have diverged over time, we may have lost some parts of ourselves and gained new parts over time. Some of these are more noble than others. In the end we are one as long as we stick to kin and kith.
@white_male @ugly_bastard_reborned @UncleIroh Most people complaining about the current state of culture or religion doesn't realize it needs to be reclaimed, it was subverted just like everything else today is being subverted by leftist/globalist devil worship.
I can never get behind putting these kinds of words in Tolkien's mouth. He would have regarded this sort of thing as a sign of imminent apocalypse
@narada @UncleIroh @ugly_bastard_reborned @fal1026 @white_male Well, let's be fair, we are nearing unpresented levels of niggery, jewry, and faggotry. An apocalypse may be just over the horizon.
That's true, but that's still not a good reason to put filth in Tolkien's mouth
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