That diagram is missing the Oriental Orthodox which is different than Church of the East ( Nestorian ) and Eastern Orthodox ( The one that split with Roman Catholicism )
There were four major groups Church of the East - Two natures of Jesus human & divine in a union of coherence-Divine not human Oriental Orthodox -One nature of Jesus? Eastern Orthodox - Spirit proceeds from son only Roman Catholic - Spirit proceeds from son & father - changed the text
@UncleIroh @gnarley_boot @houseoftolstoy
That diagram is missing the Oriental Orthodox which is different than Church of the East ( Nestorian ) and Eastern Orthodox ( The one that split with Roman Catholicism )
There were four major groups Church of the East - Two natures of Jesus human & divine in a union of coherence-Divine not human
Oriental Orthodox -One nature of Jesus?
Eastern Orthodox - Spirit proceeds from son only
Roman Catholic - Spirit proceeds from son & father - changed the text