@UncleIroh @gnarley_boot @houseoftolstoy @shortstories While I like the pic for the bants and such, I think the distinctions are a lot fuzzier than that. When you remove things that seem more political from Roman Catholicism (extra ecclesiam nulla salus applied as a doctrine towards Rome vs Faith in Christ) it's less silly than it would be otherwise.

@BowsacNoodle @houseoftolstoy @shortstories @gnarley_boot

It's an intentionally simplified visual shorthand. Useful for the outline truth and bants, no more.

If someone was fuzzy on where the Coptics, Syriacs or Eritrean fit in they could just use that pic to look up non-Chalcedonians and bone up.

Also, there's not enough pixels in the universe to map out all the Protestant faggotry.

@UncleIroh @houseoftolstoy @shortstories @gnarley_boot My brother in Christ, we are all sinners saved by Christ. Let he who is without cringe yeet the first insult at his fellow Christian for their denominational flaws.
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