@basedbagel Because you are arguing with a bot in X.
the real answer right there
@shortstories @VeganMGTOW @basedbagel
Multiplying both sides of an equation by the same number
does not necessarily mean that the two sides are equal. In this case,
2 * 0 does equal 3 * 0,
but that does not mean that 2 equals 3.
This is a fallacy known as the fallacy of division, where it is assumed that if a product of two
numbers is equal, then the numbers themselves are also equal.
The same deboonking can be made for your other stuff.
Go straight to math jail. No pi for you.
@basedbagel @UncleIroh @VeganMGTOW
Who is that guy in the picture?
@shortstories @basedbagel @VeganMGTOW
He's one of our greatest philosophers.
"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth" - Mike Tyson
@UncleIroh @basedbagel @VeganMGTOW
Mike Tyson wears glasses?
😂 that's what you get @shortstories for trying to derailmy thread!