@UncleIroh I love this side of Japanese culture. It is overflowing with wholesome moments just like this.

@UncleIroh To this point, I've been considering what is required for this type of attitude to surface in a family. I believe it must come from first a strong male figure from which emanates this kind of reassurance, whether that figure is a female's father, husband, social leader etc. Where males lead whether in action, attitude, or intention, there females follow, whether that is to weakness or to nobility. I'm certain there exist other factors, but this is my first inclination.


I've been on a dive into Shintoism and once you understand what it is, it answers many many questions about Japanese culture, anime plots and their attitude to things like this.

Since Shinto is animist, they believe spirits - kami - exist in everything from animals, plants & people to inanimate objects like mountains or roombas.

As they say, Japanese people are born Shinto, marry Christian, and die Buddhist.

I find Shinto to be a really unique and fascinating religion.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD

Polygyny used to be legal in Japan before so called Christian invaders outlawed it

Even though the Bible generally allows polygyny with some extremely specific exceptions

@shortstories @DoubleD

I don't think you'll find any culture on earth that didn't practise polygyny.

Apparently incest also used to be very commononly practised in Japan, even up until WW2. There were no moral prohibtions against parental, sibling, cousin, aunt/uncle sex or marriage, and it wasn't until genetic science really proved how dysgenic incest was that it got outlawed.

@teratology @DoubleD @shortstories

It's definitely taboo today, but that doesn't mean it culturally disappears right away, it just turns it into a kink.

You can see this in the tons of brother-sister anime plots and all the mother-son hentai. It's still there.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD @shortstories is a coincidence that SK has the highest divorce rates then?

@teratology @DoubleD @shortstories

SK's a irredeemable shitshow. They've lost an entire generation, perhaps 2, to radical feminism.

When it's all played out, SK are going to be the textbook lesson to all nations on the destructive force of feminism.

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD

Confucianism by it's very nature results in cult like structures within anything it infects

Feminist ideologies + Confucianism = Amplified Feminist Cult

South Korea is considered to be most confucian country in the world but North Korea is more confucian than South Korea

@shortstories @teratology @DoubleD

Not even close. The Chinese Empire would like a word.

Literally no other culture has held longer cultural, political, and territorial continuity for over 2,000 years than the Chinese under Confucianism.

Confucianism has historically proved itself to be incredibly stable and very very patriarchal.

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD


Do whatever authority figure says
Believe whatever authority figure says
If you see authority figure do something morally wrong then do not tell anyone
Copy whatever authority figure does

@shortstories @teratology @DoubleD


My or your disaproval or distaste for life under Confucian rule doesn't change the historical facts.

@UncleIroh @teratology @DoubleD

Being Stable in a bad situation is a bad thing not a good thing

Confucianism objectively reduces ability to conduct scientific research and make novel inventions relative to the Philosophies that existed in Europe which was why European countries beat China, Korea and Japan in war having developed superior firearm technology through the scientific method

Confucianism lacks a coherent moral system based on the consequences of actions


@shortstories @teratology @DoubleD

So what?

You don't seem to understand that I'm not advocating for Confucianism.

> Confucianism lacks a coherent moral system based on the consequences of actions

Again, so what? Confucianism isn't a consequentialist religion. What it does have is virtue ethics and a very clear set of moral principles based on duty - filial piety, loyalty, righteousness, benevolence, propriety.

I fail to see your point.

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