I was listening to an Academic Agent stream about why the UK Reform party failed and he blames "the Eternal Boomer" who has a NIMBY (not in my back yard) attitude, but otherwise doesn't care about what happens to society.

The Boomers are overwhelmingly women at this point (male life expectancy being what it is).

The "eternal boomer" is just an old women who wants to be taken care of and is morally retarded. Women have NEVER given a shit about abstractions like "order".



Big fan of AA's analysis here. He doesn't explicitly make the claim that the BoomerCon vote is majority women, but I agree that it must necessarily split that way demographically.

His view is basically accelerationist. He wanted the voting public to hand Labour such an enormous victory that:

1. Conservatives would be destroyed forever

2. Labour would have no room to blame anyone else when they inevitably fuck up.

3. The kayfabe of British uniparty politics is destroyed forever.

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