If Kamal-Toe is really going to be the nomination, then there are now 2 fronts to divide and conquer over, race and sex.

Given the feminist backlash we've seen everywhere, I'm expecting a tidal wave of "anti-misogyny" flak to start any day now.

We're all domestic terrorists now.

@UncleIroh no amount of cope will ever change the fact that kamala has negative charisma


She's the ultimate lolcow, I'm looking forward to it.

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan true but I was looking forward to more dementia moments in the debates

@Mike_Microwave @ButtWorldsMan

Oh we've seen nothing yet. It's about to get legendary. Does anyone know the VP pick?

@UncleIroh @Mike_Microwave @ButtWorldsMan Speaking of VPs, Kamala is the only one who can use the Biden-Haris campaign funds, but what if she picks as VP the person they want to run, then the DNC picks her VP choice as their candidate? Would that individual then have access to the Biden-Harris funds?


@DoubleD @Mike_Microwave @ButtWorldsMan

Yeah I kind of thought that might be the actual play here which is why I asked if anyone knew what the pick was.

It also just occurred to me that Biden nominating Kamala was his last Fuck You to Obama. I'm starting to think it was his version of leaving a huge turd on the floor and a rotten fish under the couch.

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