What a wild first week.
* Re-armed the border
* Mass deportations begun
* North Carolina hurricane victims taken out of tents and put into fully furnished homes
* Releasing Jan 6 hostages
* Fauci's secret service protection terminated
* Ukraine gravy train being audited and investigated
* Federal employees fired
* Intelligence clearances revoked
@UncleIroh You forgot to add a 'Trigger Warning' for @Based_Accelerationist the cringe lord, low level Mossad agent.
@CaseOh @Based_Accelerationist
Hehe, legend says that he's dressed in Viking cosplay and reeeeing about Christians while his mouth is stuffed with Adam Greenspergs cock.
We can only pray.
@UncleIroh andy ngo was on sargon's news show recently and made an important point. Trump needed to lose the 2020 election. Without that, the events that precipitated since then wouldn't have shaped the vindictive and harsh attitude Trump has now.
@UncleIroh I am now legitimately confused. He's doing so much so fast and it absolutely has to be deliberate. It's like he's DDOS-ing the regime. Is he daring them to try to kill him again. Is he trying to get all the deep state worms to out themselves trying to hinder him? This is some thriller TV level shit.
DDOs'ing the regime, that's a good analogy. And it's working.
Agree. Trump's real life arc literally mirrors stories of legend. If I hadn't experienced the last 4 years I'd press X.
@UncleIroh A president we actually deserve. All that’s left is getting the dollar backed by gold, and continuing to create a merit based system.