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It's that time of year when the Trucks of Peace start driving into crowds.

No doubt this was another plucky young Muslim armed with nothing more than a knife, a truck and a dream, celebrating Christmas the only way they know how.


I got hold of some local venison recently and I'm definitely a fan.

I'll always prefer beef, but venison has some unique upsides. For a start they're wild, so grass-fed by default.

Compared to beef, it's leaner, less calorific and contains more protein, which means lb-for-lb it fills you up more and makes you feel more sated. It's also cheaper than beef.

I find it best when cooked in a stew, very tasty and tender. Sausages are also good.

If you HAVE to share the gym with women, at least be helpful.

Keep this one in your back pocket for when you need to deal with some boosted dummy.

You're welcome.


It finally happened.

Someone other than TFM actually mentioned the Kolberg vs Gilligan stages of moral development.

HoeMath clearly watches TFM:

If that link doesn't load 1st time, keep trying. YouTube is trying hard to block it. The timestamp is 19m39s.

Rare footage of TFM when his Twitter account got taken away.


Oh no, we're busted!! Incel-mageddon, cop drama edition!!

Looking at you @VeganMGTOW ..

Sometimes you have a near perfect day - solving a hard problem, mentoring someone worthy of your time, completing a difficult workout.

Sometimes you also end up making the perfect plate of bacon.

And sometimes, you get to enjoy a whisky and cigar afterwards.

Going Your Own Way can be awesome.

Soli Deo Gloria - Glory to God Alone.

We never really question the normative waters we swim in. Plenty of fucked up things become normal that serve to salami-slice our culture away.

Credit scoring is one of these. There's no practical difference between this and the Chinese Social Credit scoring system.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.