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Dearborn Michigan pedo teachers Fucked Around too much with Muslim kids and now they're gonna Find Out.

Popcorn time:

Stopping rich kid commies from destabiliizing the country is precisely why Singapore has public flogging.

Elon Musk sure is smart.

I now see it.

1. He provides Starlink as warcomms to Ukraine as a loss-leader. Massive global kudos.
2. Publishes his losses - $20M p/month + hardware when he backs out.
3. Mentions that Lockheed has received over $60B in govt contracts since 2021.
4. Has now proved his tech in the field and that he can be a reliable defense partner.

Perfect negotiating position unlocked: "Now load me the fuck up on multi-billion dollar defense contracts!"

Gets Twittter for free.

W123 series Mercedes best cars ever made. Change my mind.

>The words 'Hope, Panic and Fear' were among other words crowded on to a piece of paper, which also read: 'I will never have children or marry. I’ll never know what it’s like to have a family'. Some of the other scribbled lines included the word 'HATE' in capitals, along with 'There are no words…', 'I can't breathe' and 'Kill'.

>I can't breed
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@UncleIroh @spectre I have realized he was using green screen the whole time due to the fixed camera angles and subtle lighting discrepancies

The Tolkein family verdict on the new Amazon series?

"It's finger licking good"

@UncleIroh medical tyranny happens when the gov declares that it has a right to decide what goes in to your body, what treatments you can take and mandates you to take medication against your own will.

yet another conspiracy theory that has turned in to conspiracy fact

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.