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Israeli Elections basically amount to which genocidal Zionist can irl FedPost the hardest about how much of genocidal Zionist they are .

Oh I am loving this SO MUCH!

Elon's engineers are doing an audit of Twitter's code and have locked out Twitter engineers during the process.

Git never lies. Not unless they went to great pains to fake it all. I would love to see the commit history. It's a living document of Leftist censorship and shitheeling.

Kanye now joins the exclusive club of "Most Cancelled People To Have Ever Existed". He lost $2billion in a single day.

Alex Jones and Andrew Tate welcome you bro and the Cancellers in Chief are now out in the open.

Absolutely loving it that Twitter's Censorship Czar has been fired! Along with the Chief Exec, CFO, and their General Counsel.

Mine that salt!

Imagine being so insufferably Woke that you provoke the richest man on earth to buy your employer just so he could fire you in his first act as owner.

When Russia wins against Ukraine, prepare for all the articles stating how Russia's losses were immense and how their victory does not really mean all that much. I already have seen articles stating that Russia attacking power stations shows that Putin is "desperate." Yes, using tactics to weaken the enemy means you are desperate. Funny how Putin was apparently evil for invading Ukraine only to wait this long to carry out attacks like that.

They expect you not to question the contradictions.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.