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I'm partway through TFM's Saturday show and I just heard the bit where ThunderWarrior and Shogun reveal how addicted they are to Jewcum.

Turns out they both keep a Rainbow Tip Jar full of Jewcum, hilarious.


And to tie it all together so it's clear just how the Jewish billionaire donor class work together:


Not quite.

Half of the Zionist billionaires were hiding behind the Progressives, and I'm still grinning at how perfectly they were exposed.

Now the same thing needs to happen to the other half of the Zionist billionaires who run the GOP

🔊 ... Dystopian nightmare in China prevents people from buying food.

The combination of Digital ID and social credit scores is used to deny people the ability to do even the most basic shopping.

If we let them remove cash from the system and force us into a pure CBDC, Digital ID system, then this will become commonplace. Do you really want this level of tracking in your life? We must retrain other payment options for privacy.

@VeganMGTOW you weren't eating anything worthwhile anyway, vegan.

@scalar I’m almost pumped to watch the successive false flags fall flat on their face as they struggle to mobilize genZA for war

“guys they just slaughtered and beheaded 3 whole SEAL DELTA TIER ONE OPERATORS”

“ha, sucks to suck”

“OH SHIT bad news everyone they just hit one of our ships and it has a giant hole in the side and it has to have a lot of repairs now wow wow wow we need to gear up for war!!!”

“why weren’t there any casualties? How was that ship in range to begin with? Trajectory seems israeli when you look at the map…..”

“OH FUGG hamas just DESTROYED 💣 the 🏳️‍⚧️ pharma factory making all ♀️ hormones this is a crime against BIPOX everywhere!!!”

“haha sucks to suck niggo”

> spend 5 generations asking to be treated like men
> finally get the box labeled "Treated like men"
> open it.

This is whats known as the monkey's paw. Be careful what you wish for. You might get it
>be mossad
>spend over a year trying to perfect image generators
>use it to create propaganda
>assume people are just retarded
>tools already exist that can identify fake imagery
>autists can literally spot photo edits at a glance
>kikes absolutely seething
>overplaying their hand
>throwing tantrums
>showing how much power they wield in the west
>sentiment towards them rapidly deteriorates
>kick and scream like a woman or a child
>total impotent rage
>ban everything
>shut it down
>crack down on everyone
>fire on everyone including each other
>start doxing people
>try and fail to shame people
>muh halls of cost
>public relations is a complete fucking shit show
>"Worship us like you worship Jesus."
This is going extremely well for them.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.