
The study found high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol to be major risk factors for cardiovascular disease.


I have heard that this is the largest longest lasting multi-generational study on heart disease in the history of the world


@shortstories @Stahesh Oh finally someone Is noticing How bad meat dairy and eggs are for you that study Is proof of it

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@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh

There is a framingham related reason for advising low fat diets

Fat can not provide fuel for long duration high intensity exercise involving the conversion of pyruvate into lactic acid in anaerobic glycolysis but only exclusively carbohydrate can do that

In the absense of carbohydrate protein is used

Both fat and carbohydrate increase your body fat percent but there is a fundamental difference in that

Fat does not improve exercise performance but carbohydrate does

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh

If I remember correctly Framingham advises to lower percent body fat to reduce risk of heart attack ( for most people )

You can only lower percent body fat by diet 3 ways

Reducing Alcohol Consumption

Reducing Carbohydrate Consumption

Reducing Fat Consumption

Out of these three ways reducing Carbohydrate Consumption potentially impairs exercise performance & physical fitness in some individuals

Reducing alcohol & fat generally does not except omega 3 deficiency

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh

Most of the people who I have heard promote these high cholesterol diets are boomers and do not have a very high level of cardiovascular endurance compared with most of the people I know who promote low fat high carb high protein diets

@shortstories @Stahesh Shhhh🙊🙊🙊 Don't Tell that to TFM and crew because that hurts their Fefe.

TFM Is Boomers for The criptobros and Now Is Boomer for The nutrionalbros 😂😂😂

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh

Boomers will insist 1 cup of whole milk is better for you to lose weight than 1 cup of skim milk since the whole milk makes you feel more full

They will then say they are helping prevent themself from getting diabetes by drinking the whole milk instead of the skim milk even though the doctor says they are at risk for diabetes because they are over weight

But if all other items are the same they objectively have more weight gain if they replace skim milk with whole milk

@shortstories @VeganMGTOW @Stahesh

Boomers love skim milk, lite foods, and vegetarian diets.

Most of them are basically Reds.
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