@Pain66 Yes, female empowerment is why nobody's having kids. Now tell me, WHO aided women in gaining political power and pushed feminism on everyone after WW2, including Japan?

That's not a "white nationalist cope", it's just that every group has cucks.

I'll share with you what was shared with me:

"Meet Beate Gordon, the Jewish feminist who changed the Japanese constitution":




@Based_Accelerationist @Pain66

Japanese are just descendants of Chinese except the native Japanese that have a very low percent population and speak a different native language than Japanese


@shortstories @Based_Accelerationist @Pain66 Japanese unfortunaly have a strict work culture basically threat their own population like drones or working ants as much I admire The creative of The Japanese Anime/Manga I wouldn't live in that hellhole The had been so brainwash by the Goverment/Corporations they even discard vacations

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@shortstories @Based_Accelerationist @Pain66 The should take their woman Rights to avoid being replace by chinese invaders


proving you dont know anything about the ancient japanese people, you actually believe that nonsense about the crossing from korea to southern japan. there actually is alot suspicious about that explanation, and the fact the ainu language had to be mutually understandable to the japanese of the time in order for shinto to develop from the ainu beliefs, AND the fact that japanese historians today are horribly dismissive of the ainu (as they are with the ryuukyuu people), your views on this are lacking sooooooo much context its better you study more before opening your mouth

@VeganMGTOW @Based_Accelerationist @Pain66
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