@Pain66 Yes, female empowerment is why nobody's having kids. Now tell me, WHO aided women in gaining political power and pushed feminism on everyone after WW2, including Japan?

That's not a "white nationalist cope", it's just that every group has cucks.

I'll share with you what was shared with me:

"Meet Beate Gordon, the Jewish feminist who changed the Japanese constitution":




@Based_Accelerationist @Pain66

Japanese are just descendants of Chinese except the native Japanese that have a very low percent population and speak a different native language than Japanese

@shortstories @Based_Accelerationist @Pain66 Japanese unfortunaly have a strict work culture basically threat their own population like drones or working ants as much I admire The creative of The Japanese Anime/Manga I wouldn't live in that hellhole The had been so brainwash by the Goverment/Corporations they even discard vacations


@shortstories @Based_Accelerationist @Pain66 The should take their woman Rights to avoid being replace by chinese invaders

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