I Ate 100 EGGS In 7 Days: Here's What Happened To My CHOLESTEROL

What If You Ate 5 EGGS A Day For 30 Days?

I Ate Bacon, Eggs & Butter and Here Is What Happened To My Blood

@Stahesh Dude sorry but I can't take serious a guy that looks like a grey alien and he goes All in anecdotes Not studies if he eat like he Say and still havent upload a complication either he is lying or omiting information.

@VeganMGTOW Or he is telling truth but you as vegan can't accept that.

@Stahesh Please watch the last link a send you he is lying to you he doesnt showing important markets in his blood test.

@VeganMGTOW Yea he talk from his experiences with the diet .

So he talk how his body react to diet. So majority of it is true.

But vegans will only accept studies done by another vegans and refuse to hear somebody personal eperiences and even refuse to replicate his experiment..

Joe Rogan vs. Dr. Greger - Vegan Diet Debunked

@Stahesh Yeah like the comment Say Joe Rogan Will never have the balls to have The Pope of Veganism in his podcast 🤣🤣 I like Red Pill Vegan I am suscrite to his Channel is a pity he has upload any video recently.

@VeganMGTOW He does not upload because his diet probably killed him.🤔 🧐

The reason why nobody want to talk to vegans because it is like inviting people like destiny.

Close minded and refuse to accept any other facts outside of their vegan cult.

@Stahesh Believe me I am Open minded but I will call BS when I see it. I will try the Vegan Keto Diet for a week cause I like to experience thing by first hand.

@VeganMGTOW I wonder if you did experiments with diet before settling for vegan diet.🤔

Open your eyes, open your mind

Proud like a god, don't pretend to be blind

Trapped in yourself, break out instead

Beat the machine that works in your head


@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh

In 2015, the scientific advisory panel of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture for the 2015 iteration of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans dropped the previously recommended limit of consumption of dietary cholesterol to 300 mg per day with a new recommendation to "eat as little dietary cholesterol as possible"


Nutition labels for different egg sizes


@shortstories @Stahesh Yeah the Goverment want to reduce dietary cholesterol Sincé most people are in Welfare and one of the medical procedure that drain the Welfare system is heart disease related. So a way to save money is is reducing heart disease and easy way to do this in a mass scale is reccomending to get rid of dietary cholesterol.

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh

If more people on welfare die of heart attacks then that would reduce welfare costs

@shortstories @VeganMGTOW Exactly what they recommend is what will increase your chances of death.

And there is many instances where it is clear that US governemnt want you dead.

@Stahesh @shortstories For the Jabs that is correct For the reducing of dietary cholesterol isnt these guys are smart they wouldnt be so obvious only give You recommendation that Will kill you the will sometimes will give You a good advice.

A good lieyer is someone that say the enough amount of truths to get their lies when it plausable to be trusted.

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh

What if cholesterol costs them money because it is a slow kill that causes disability but counterfeit vaccine saves them money if it is a fast kill

Except the people who become disabled and do not die because of a counterfit vaccine are a fast kill

Except we do not know if the counterfit vaccine is just a placebo religious sacrament or actually dangerous

@shortstories @Stahesh There literally thousands of studies that linked dietary cholesterol with heart disease and steroporosis getting rid of the dietary cholesterol literally Will destroy the cardiarc business model that is the biggest blackhole in the money expense in all the Welfare covers. If they want to kill faster the aging population they Will use other methods but waiting for a heart attack is too long and resource draining.

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh

What if they need people to be at less than optimal health so they imagine they need the government to save them and keep the government in power

@shortstories @Stahesh The thing the human body is an amazing machine that self regulates it takes too much time wait someone die from an heart attack and this Not talking in account the amount of surgeries that the Welfare system and medication Will have to pay to pro long the lifespaw of these leaches a few years waiting for the heart attack finally gets them.

@shortstories @VeganMGTOW Nine out of 20 members of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee have conflicts of interest with food, pharmaceutical or weight loss companies or industry groups with a stake in the outcome of the guidelines, according to a new report published today by the nonprofit public health research group U.S. Right to Know


@Stahesh @shortstories And aleast 4 of Those 9 are relate to the animal products 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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