@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh

In 2015, the scientific advisory panel of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture for the 2015 iteration of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans dropped the previously recommended limit of consumption of dietary cholesterol to 300 mg per day with a new recommendation to "eat as little dietary cholesterol as possible"


Nutition labels for different egg sizes


@shortstories @Stahesh Yeah the Goverment want to reduce dietary cholesterol Sincé most people are in Welfare and one of the medical procedure that drain the Welfare system is heart disease related. So a way to save money is is reducing heart disease and easy way to do this in a mass scale is reccomending to get rid of dietary cholesterol.

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh

If more people on welfare die of heart attacks then that would reduce welfare costs


@shortstories @Stahesh The thing the human body is an amazing machine that self regulates it takes too much time wait someone die from an heart attack and this Not talking in account the amount of surgeries that the Welfare system and medication Will have to pay to pro long the lifespaw of these leaches a few years waiting for the heart attack finally gets them.

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