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I love how the Lefties are developing schizophrenia in real Time with the protesting stuff they are so confuse and clueless 😂😂😂

Congradulations To Canadá For beat UK For being the most CUCK country in the World

This video For people that want to get rid of the Mindvirus named "Christianity" and want to get in touch with their European ancestral heritage.

I Will create a YouTube Channel of AI videos of Cats doing crazy stuff (realistic) so see I can earn some money to pay My bills.

Guy I have an epiphany what if heart me out since the Lefties are figthing the Jews cause the GAZa stuff the white Supremacist show to the Lefties females that 19th amendment was a Jew plot to decrece births so there Will be less Americans to defend Palestines from the Jews invasion.

So maybe convice the females that shouldn't have the right to vote and start having more babies SO they can fight The Jews because if nobody have babies the evil Jews will invade others Middle East countries

This why I love Paganism making fun of and Christianity in a Pagan way 😆😆😆

Pokémon was a MK-ULTRA proyect to Make switch men to the red Pill movement

THE Funniest part about this short is that was post in a Lefty Channel 😆😆😆😆😆😆

This is Today marriage in a Nutshell

You guys Will enjoy this one

This is why The Kathedral Will eventually win despite everything TFM said

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.