@RodrickSage Is Christianity Ragnarok? the killing of all masculine traits in European culture to give welcome to feminine Middle East Religion. Or the invention of gunpower where even a weakest of men can kill pulling a trigger Even the strongest of men?
@sardonicsmile Must be all the Bad genes in the male population For 2 Main reason 1 woman having baby too late in the fertility window and second the destrution of the healthy human genes cause the consumption of meat dairy and eggs
@sardonicsmile UMM You can have the same graph in the other way For example instead of Good looking men change it to a 16 to 22 Year old female and it Who look Exactly the same but with the genders reverse
@Lorgar Yeah pretty much
@houseoftolstoy @shortstories I never understood horse + donkey = mule
@Mr_Mister You forgot to add that in everything Headshot You Make with your pistols they Make a diferent hentai moaning from the most icónic hentai
@Gonzo17 I don't see nothing wrong he just faint cause the emotion
@Mongoliaboo @marlathetourist Egytians were OG Nazis?
@sardonicsmile Natural LAW won't take any prisoners FEMINISM destroy woman and liberated men what crazy times we are witnessing.
@sardonicsmile Nukes are Fake and Gay You worshipping a Volcano GoD Construct name Nuke
@37712 @Tfmonkey @Mike_Microwave Israel vs Palestine is fake and Gay conflict.
@Lorgar @RodrickSage Just go Vegan and eat tons of healthy food like beans lentils fruits vegetables take a B12 supplement the fiber in these food Will increase your metabolism
@Gonzo17 @shortstories The Cure to All cancer is a Vegan Diet All cancer is cause by the estrogens in animal products
@Stahesh At the cost of dying in the Middle East For Israel yeah
@kaiservenom Aleast Anime Is a Japenese creation the same to hentai unlike Porn that was a creation of You know Who.
@Stahesh Well as Vegan I eat a Lot fruits along many other plants and fugus food never happen to me.
@shortstories @Mr_Mister They need to sacrifice a Lot of lamps men to achieve their goal
@shortstories That is correct the only thing Vegans need prescription for the insurance cover Is a regular bloodtest For mineral and vitamins specially B12.
Vegans don't need medicine since diseases are cause mainly by estrogens antibiotics and other nasty stuff in animal products