@RodrickSage Is Christianity Ragnarok? the killing of all masculine traits in European culture to give welcome to feminine Middle East Religion. Or the invention of gunpower where even a weakest of men can kill pulling a trigger Even the strongest of men?

@CygnusX1 @Tfmonkey What if Putin is just a mere employee were his boss Is the same of the people on the news.

Putin is an actor also Donald Trump You are delusional if You think countries exist like independent entities there is just Goverment/propaganda

@sardonicsmile Must be all the Bad genes in the male population For 2 Main reason 1 woman having baby too late in the fertility window and second the destrution of the healthy human genes cause the consumption of meat dairy and eggs

@sardonicsmile UMM You can have the same graph in the other way For example instead of Good looking men change it to a 16 to 22 Year old female and it Who look Exactly the same but with the genders reverse

@Mr_Mister You forgot to add that in everything Headshot You Make with your pistols they Make a diferent hentai moaning from the most icónic hentai

@Gonzo17 I don't see nothing wrong he just faint cause the emotion

@sardonicsmile Natural LAW won't take any prisoners FEMINISM destroy woman and liberated men what crazy times we are witnessing.

@sardonicsmile Nukes are Fake and Gay You worshipping a Volcano GoD Construct name Nuke

@Lorgar @RodrickSage Just go Vegan and eat tons of healthy food like beans lentils fruits vegetables take a B12 supplement the fiber in these food Will increase your metabolism

@Gonzo17 @shortstories The Cure to All cancer is a Vegan Diet All cancer is cause by the estrogens in animal products

@Stahesh At the cost of dying in the Middle East For Israel yeah

@kaiservenom Aleast Anime Is a Japenese creation the same to hentai unlike Porn that was a creation of You know Who.

@Stahesh Well as Vegan I eat a Lot fruits along many other plants and fugus food never happen to me.

@shortstories @Mr_Mister They need to sacrifice a Lot of lamps men to achieve their goal

@shortstories That is correct the only thing Vegans need prescription for the insurance cover Is a regular bloodtest For mineral and vitamins specially B12.

Vegans don't need medicine since diseases are cause mainly by estrogens antibiotics and other nasty stuff in animal products

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