@Tfmonkey TFM doesnt have more jizz cause the Keto diet

@Stahesh The pterodactyl is BASED don't let others gasligthing You into change your goals is your life and you are the only one that can decide what your life goals are.

@Wopu For some reason when I see the Dailywire part I can't stop laughing 😂😂

@Tfmonkey Keep dreaming TFM this Vaccines won't kill or discapacited enough people to Make a real change

Aluminium foil vs dishwasher soap + the nails

@Indignation That actually was pretty entertainment to watch.

@37712 @Indignation @kaiservenom Speak For yourself I would never Bang a Morbidly Obese woman like SHE is disgusting.

But is ok having diferent preference.

@Indignation You got into their trap the same way Ben Shapiro that was screaming about beheaded babies.

You are now doing the same with the other side media have the narrative For both sides normies and red Pill

@Gonzo17 @Stahesh No mono (imagen) son juegos por ejemplo el que yo juego es como candycrush pero en lo que juegas generas tokens que se usan en la economía del juego que también se pueden convertir en criptomonedas por el ejemplo el token se llama serum y la cripto que la convierto es MATIC de la blockchain de Metamask.

@Gonzo17 @Stahesh En ese caso juega juegos NFT que mata el tiempo y ganas tokens que puedes convertir en dinero extra 🤣🤣

@Tfmonkey Cause All Goverment are working toguether GAZA protester are paid actors, Gaza conflict is fake, All this is to create a satanic ritual to sacrifice the men that join the military that Will be the only real deaths.

@Indignation @37712 @kaiservenom But I mean Who is appel more You have to admit that isn't the type that Even Commies white men feel attract to steriotypes arent coincidence.

@Gonzo17 Dude redo this video I couldnt listen anything what You said that music was too loud

@Stahesh @Gonzo17 Para que quieres aprender español?? Acá los delincuentes se comeran vivos a los turistas.

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