Is some commie glowie trying to subvert our server from within?

Why am I seeing pedos and lesbians in my timeline?! 🤢 🤮


I saw s2 users, one was a lesbian and the other is name ethical pedophile...

I blocked both of them but I was shocked they were in my feed.

I assumed that someone was trying to get our server banned by bringing fake accounts because who the FUCK calls themselves an ethical pedophile? That's an oxymoron

Welcome to the internet bagel; if you think that’s bad you would have had your whole world turned upside down 3 yrs ago
Back in the day the fedi wasnt as structured and there were a lot of foreign entities bringing in shit tons of CP. pedos were crawling everywhere. They would try to MRF dodge or make accounts to post on the servers in question.
It was a wild time but over time moderation got better and the scourge moved on mostly, or became insulated.

@FailurePersonified @basedbagel I'm still super new to all this stuff I just post and reply I don't really go outta my way to follow people or anything

That’s a decent usage of the platform. Just don’t be surprised if they stumble upon you (as I did).

Though y’all have definitely come around at a time where, the network has matured so that is nice. You see less dog shit. Though I do miss certain parts of the fedi. It used to be rare to see that you’ve been instances blocked… now it’s common as admins abuse their power (incompetent ledditors who think they actually matter)
Ah I see; instance blocking (MRF) is a way that a server can block any communication to and from their server to another.

So if your administrator decided the people on my instance where, “deplorable” human beings they could make it so you would never see anything from me, and I wouldn’t get notifs or see your posts.

It was originally intended to stop illegal content; however a good majority of (namely mastadon instances) have liberally employed that tool to stop genuine discussion on certain topics.

This instance that im on, “” have definitely suffered as a result of being instance blocked by multiple servers.

Kind of shameful isn’t it? Making it so that users can’t see or talk to people the admin doesn’t like? Though thats people for you

@FailurePersonified @basedbagel ahhhh okokok we use basically for everyone who's red pilled and based

Not a bad sounding idea 👍
I hope you enjoy your stay on this pretty neat tech!

If you’re of the based variety; I think you’ll find in time a good amount of nice people here.
I’m sure you’ll find some with time, but there’s always good with the bad; just keep in mind you can always filter out certain words if you want to go exploring.
And as bagel mentioned, you can always block a person or instance block (which as long as you aren’t admin, only blocks those users of a server from talking to you; this is good for if there’s an instance dedicated to posting certain types of content you see as reprehensible). 😄
Bad news, the “lesbian” is a tranny and “ethical pedophile” is a fat irony poisoned retard.
Is this the same “ethical pedophile” who we’ve seen before?

I remember seeing them around a few months back
I think so, I don’t know anyone else that goes by that name.

@bot @FailurePersonified @VooDooMedic i need some holy water on my timeline.

I came for shitposts and based philosophy. I didn't ask for this

It takes a little time but most people with similar “interests” gather on the same instances, so it’s really not difficult.
I don’t remember their original handle; it’s been a minute.

Irony poisoning is a fun way to say that
Hey you behave yourself sir.

Bot is a good, never fucked any kids. 💀💀💀
bot has in fact, only ever fucked kids
He’s a deranged tranny (many such cases on fedi).
@animeirl his @ literally gives it away (btw you will never be an anime girl anemone).
Haha yes, though that’s part of the fun, you just gotta do what you think is fun and fuck the noise!

Feel free to mute/block the peeps that shit up the experience.

Also I think your front end (you are on mastodon) has the option to mute threads, so you won’t see your TL or notifications blow up over shitposters. So if you don’t want to see any responses from bot vs. anime tranny that’s just another tool in your arsenal ❤️
Thank you bot 😂
My fingers are inaccurate on the phone
I won’t be gAsLiGhTeD; anime consumers are shifty buggers
its true bot is a 100% authentic paeder
I need to see receipts my guy.

Even though I’m pretty sure I was introduced to bot early on, and I’ve never seen any pedo shit from them.
In fact bot has a tendency to harass the pedos so idk how you got that from history. (This is a new alt account, but I’ve been around for a long time my dude)
bot does lots of projection to hide his minor attraction persionage
He’s just salty because hwnbaw, many such tranny cases.
if you feed "bot" through the correct caesar cipher it actualls spells out "map" you cant hide
I gotta give you one thing; that is pretty funny but… I need receipts luv
dio not waste my tisemd tob is a paeeeder and i will not spend my emotional labor elaborating :reeEEE:
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Well you are a woman, so that’s gotta make any troon moderately annoyed with your presence.

Remember it’s not about being “a woman” it’s about being “better than a woman”
Anemone is ok usually, but sometimes he drinks too much and gets super salty.
Ah I see; I’m mildly touched by alcohol myself.
So we are both a little fuckywucky
Even though I haven’t really seen much so I don’t know if they are like that always.
So you’re telling me they’re one of the good ones?
i am just having a laugh why do you get upset so easily lmao
Ah yes; much thanks.

I remember the “r*pe” but the prefix I couldn’t think of

@bot @FailurePersonified @VooDooMedic

I don't know what type of cope you guys are on but I'm not going to let you guys gaslight me into thinking that PEDOs and TRANNYs are normal.

True, though they are somewhat normal on fedi tbh.
You literally had your testicles removed sir.
yeah and i need to hurry up and invert my pensis now

@animeirl @FailurePersonified @basedbagel @bot you know what they say any hole is a goal and blood is better lube then spit

@bot @FailurePersonified @basedbagel "normal" meaning a regular occurrence not "normal" as in socially acceptable

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