
Does anyone have the male abuse statistics that show that men suffer more abuse in relationships and have less support? I need to prove a point, also any data disproportionately affecting men over women

@VooDooMedic 100% of men in relationship are being abused.
Shit testing, infidelity, and emotional abuse are the basis of all relationshits.
"Happy wife, happy life" is just a cope for being a slave.
All relationships in and on themselves are nothing but two predators abusing each other. Men want women for sex. Women use sex to get what they want from men.
The old video she'll never love you from TFM is magical for understanding this.

@Lorgar @VooDooMedic

Originally I thought that pj media had an article on gender tax gap that later was redirected to judgy bitch or was replaced with judgy bitch

Now both are gone

I could not find the pj media one although I did not search long and the judgy bitch one is only available by archive the link no longer works in the current year

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