
Ladies and gentlemen I would like to present Australia

@VooDooMedic I tried looking up those places on maps and was disappointed

@sneeden @Inginsub @VooDooMedic it was named after a guy though. There are Mr. Coons walking around.
@eidolon @Inginsub @VooDooMedic @sneeden

> The Australian company marketing the Coon brand originally stated on their website (2012) that the name derived from the American cheesemaker Edward Coon of Philadelphia, who patented a method in the US in 1926 for fast maturation of cheese via high temperature and humidity

> Hagan again challenged the name in 2008, and said that Dairy Farmers had told him that it was named after Edward Coon, "who revolutionised the speeding process of making cheese".[8] According to Hagan, this story had only first been mentioned by the brand owners in the 1980s.[6]

They probably just never thought to clarify before people got upset about it. It's not like the cheese is black, it just doesn't make sense.
@cassidyclown @eidolon @Inginsub @VooDooMedic @sneeden they don't care. It's not about "defeating racism" it's about commanding someone to do something they don't want to do.
@cajax @cassidyclown @Inginsub @VooDooMedic @sneeden i had a racism eating amoeba once, poor fella died of houngry after they changed the name
@sneeden @VooDooMedic find and replace all the "nigger" with "cuck"

Mount Cuck, Cuck Head, Cuck Creek, Cuck Bounce

@binkle @sneeden @VooDooMedic I propose the following names:

Kill niggers.
Behead niggers.
Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete.
Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan.
Crucify filthy blacks.
Defecate in a niggers food.
Launch niggers into the sun.
Stir fry niggers in a wok.
Toss niggers into active volcanoes.
Urinate into a niggers gas tank.
Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper.
Twist niggers heads off.
Report niggers to the IRS.
Karate chop niggers in half.
Curb stomp pregnant black niggers.
Trap niggers in quicksand.
Crush niggers in the trash compactor.
Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid.
Eat niggers.
Dissect niggers.
Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber.
Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots.
Cremate niggers in the oven.
Lobotomize niggers.
Mandatory abortions for niggers.
Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal.
Drown niggers in fried chicken grease.
Vaporize niggers with a ray gun.
Kick old niggers down the stairs.
Feed niggers to alligators.
Slice niggers with a katana.
Put a bomb in a nigger's mouth.
Throw knives at niggers.
Inflate niggers until they pop.
Send niggers into a blackhole.
Castrate niggers.
Feed niggers poisoned food.
Force niggers to walk the plank.
Push niggers into a pit.
Kneel on a nigger's neck.
Curse niggers with a spell.
Stuff nigger babies into the washing machine and turn it on.
Flatten niggers with a tank.
Pop a nigger's car tire.
Strike nigger children with a ruler.
Make niggers swim in the Mariana Trench.
Cut off a nigger's limbs.
Airdrop niggers into Antarctica.
Throw niggers off the boat.
Pressurize niggers into fine crystals.
Light fireworks in a nigger's ass.
Falcon-punch a nigger in the face.
Make niggers into fiction.
Blow niggers heads off with grenade launchers.
Blow niggers brains open with a sniper rifle.
Lock niggers in a cage and drown them underwater.
Nail niggers to a cross and stab them.
Run over niggers with a tank feet-first.
Crush niggers with a press.
Attack niggers with acid.
Boil niggers in a pan.
Lock niggers inside a brazen bull.
Burn niggers alive.
Drag niggers across a wall of spikes.
Pour molten lava on niggers.
Quarter niggers.
Impale niggers on a pike.
Total nigger death.
Tenderize niggers with a mallet.
Ionise niggers in a mass spectrometer.
Irradiate niggers in a nuclear reactor.
Spaghettify niggers in a black hole.
Curse niggers with the necronomicon.
Trap niggers in purgatory.
Bang a niggers testicles with a spiked bat.
Throw niggers off a twelve story building.
Freeze dry niggers in the vacuum of space.
Fry niggers with power lines.
Feed niggers ricin.
Kneecap a nigger with a twelve gauge.
Re enslave niggers.
Sell niggers organs on the black market.
Run niggers over with an eighteen wheeler.
Throw niggers into the grand canyon.
Burn niggers with jet engine exhaust.
Beat niggers to death with a tire iron.
Cauterise a niggers asshole with a blowtorch.
Sacrifice niggers to the sun god.
Drop niggers out of a plane at fourty thousand feet.
Feed niggers to sharks.
Load a nigger into a cannon and shoot the nigger at a concrete wall.
Keel Haul niggers under a galleon.
Disembowel niggers with a bayonet.
Strap a nigger to a cruise missile and launch it at a nigger neighbourhood.
Drop niggers into chernobyl reactor building number 4.
Hang, draw, and quarter niggers.
Lure niggers in with fried chicken and trap them with bear traps.
Force a nigger to learn calculus, then kill the nigger anyway.
Atomize niggers with a powerfist.
Throw niggers into vats full of FEV virus.
Choke niggers with barbed wire.
Throw pianos at niggers from 40-story buildings.
Throw niggers at pianos from 40-story buildings.
Deep-freeze niggers in liquid nitrogen then shatter them with a hammer.
Tie niggers to ICBMs then fire them at Israel.
Shoot niggers with syringe guns.
Defecate on nigger food stamps.
Make niggers pay child support in blood.
Build a newton cannon and fire niggers into the orbit.
Put advertisement posters on niggers then nail them to their bodies with a hammer.
Irradiate niggers with depleted uranium.

@VooDooMedic Oh hey. Townsville is where the Power Puff Girls are from
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