@VooDooMedic why do you think TFM supports Trump? He says he only wants what's best for America. Do you know what sort of secret information TFM is aware of, that we're all missing?
He also pretends the assassination attempt wasn't staged.

Trump just posted a video of Netanyahu saying Iran is behind the attempt and wrote that, should he be killed, the US MUST wipe Iran off the face of the Earth.

Does this sound like someone who has America's interests at heart, or someone who's in on the plan?

@Based_Accelerationist @VooDooMedic TFM is coping MAXXING when it comes Trump. I would vote For KA-MALA just because I know that Trump was already selected.

@VeganMGTOW Could be. He did try to cope about "the JOOS" until the very last second, when the truth became so overwhelming that no one, not even the shills, could avoid talking about the Israeli lobby for a week or two.

Initially he also tried to dispel the idea the helicopter crash which killed the Iranian president had something to do with Israel, despite the timing.

But I'd like to think TFM is smarter than that, he wouldn't make the same mistake again. So he must know something we don't.


@Based_Accelerationist @VeganMGTOW he's not a military contractor anymore and anyone speaking to him about anything with clearance shouldn't have it or be speaking about what they saw / heard

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