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I'm thinking about upgrading my graphics card and I'm wondering if I should upgrade my motherboard too?

My current setup is an i9-9900k with 62gig ram and a 1080ti.

I wanna upgrade to a 4090

So I broke my leg kick personal best and now I can leg kick 120kg (244lbs) for 12 clean reps

Anyone else using's home server on element? Mine is fucking not connecting I think their home server got nuked, awesome I wonder if midov is open back up again

I keep getting the "oops something is wrong message" is it something to do with my host server?

Can anyone else access the matrix rooms?

VooDoo boosted
VooDoo boosted

If I must be burdened with the knowledge of its existence so to shall you

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.