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PM unveils new federal police antisemitism taskforce

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has revealed a new federal police antisemitism taskforce following several antisemitic attacks in Sydney and Melbourne.

Speaking in Canberra moments ago, Albanese said the Melbourne synagogue firebombing on Friday, the Woollahra vandalism in November and the defacing of Jewish MP Josh Burns’ office warranted fresh police focus.

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Tags: twitter, race, blacks, africa, crime, uk, england, violent_crime
Source: The booru is down for now
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Imagine how rock-hard this guy is JFC. He's living the dream

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Great documentary by Stew Peters. Worth mentioning that by sharing this, I'm not endorsing him or any of the speakers in the video, as people like Candace Owens, Dan Bilzerian or Stew himself, aren't to be trusted. It does make me wonder why his Jewish backers financed such a documentary. Regardless, it's worth a watch. Also worth remembering, is this poison isn't exclusive to America and Russia is no different.

@Tfmonkey post your WW3 face

Cuz it's time to fuck baby, let's gooooooo

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"Hey. New guy. Got some time to kill?" 😏

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