I have been slowly transitioning off Google stuff and finally killed my Gmail account the other day. Didn't realize how bad Google Maps had got until traveling last week. Maybe it was always that way. Shout out to Google's Gay Ai for speeding up the process.

@WaveClearMid Would be good to share what alternatives you use.

@UncleIroh @WaveClearMid Interesting.

Will need to check it out.

I wanted to say that I use called Waze alt to google.

But found out it is made by Israel and it is under Google 😅

I liked their feature where you see every radar and police stops

@Stahesh @WaveClearMid

> But found out it is made by Israel and it is under Google

Big huge no.


@UncleIroh @Stahesh My solution has been a $5 a month paid email. I'd encourage you to research this for yourself. I am definitely not an expert. This is not private (see Snowden) but they aren't freely selling all my data. For maps I don't have the solution/cope yet but I am considering a physical Garmin loaded with recent retailer data. Again, not great but it's worlds better than what Google is.

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