If you’re really fat you shouldn’t be in the gym unless you’re a power lifter. And that’s because you’re so fat and unathletic you can never have a workout that actually yields benefits before you tire out.

I see these fatties who only do weird ab exercises and yoga moves like leg kick outs and it’s so obvious they’re wasting their time.

If you’re fat don’t bother going to the gym because you’re not flexible enough nor do you have the cardiovascularity to do intense routines. Lose weight.

@Mr_Mister Exception : if they're actually on a treadmill, elliptical, etc. just trying to burn calories they get a pass. If you're really overweight to the point that you don't have the flexibility to lift correctly you have to start somewhere.


@BHG @Mr_Mister It's not just for calorie loss. If you send your ass to the gym regularly, you effectively change your routine to include less idle time, which is a good way to go back snacking.

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