
Alright I've been thinking of getting myself a used car.

So far looking into Toyota Corolla (verso) brands for durability and accessible repair.

What else should I look for when inquiring for a used car purchase ? Mileage for sure, but there must be more.

Also should I ask the seller to drive him around in this car to have a feel of it ? Ultimately, driving the thing for 30 minutes seems like the ultimate test.

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@Wopu Pre 2003 (no onboard computer/EFI)

Get extra tires , spare battery
and tire iron
and service manual

@Wopu - I like a nice, clean car. The general condition of the interior often coincides with the rest of the car. A nice car has likely been maintained. It can be very old, but the cleanliness level should feel comfortable. This becomes much less reliable as an indicator though, when buying from a dealer.

I'm pretty confident with turning wrenches, so repair requirements aren't a deal breaker. But it must at least be able to start and run. That makes diagnostics much easier.

Good Luck! 🍻

@Wopu - Oh yeah... I don't know how it is where you are, but most every time I run into a used Toyota, it's shit.

Don't get me wrong, they're built beautifully - very high quality, and they'll run forever if maintained. And the problem is that everyone else only seems to know the first half of that statement.

So they're usually horribly neglected, mistreated, and run into the ground... because people think Toyotas are immune to needing oil changes or something. 💁🏻‍♂️

It's a shame, really.

@Wopu benefits to buying used is most issues are known manufacturing wise so look into specific years, parts availability, and general mileage/wear issues each specific vehicle has. Also carfax histories. Not ideal, but if you are looking at a dealership vehicle always get your own mechanic's opinion.

@FinalDresdonation @Wopu

Wopu, if you are going to get a used car go for a very common car, for example honda civic, you can find videos on YouTube on how to fix almost everything on a honda civic.

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