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I loved this movie as a kid but that scene stuck to me in my early adult years.

It both manages to show a competent antagonist and the power dynamics he seeks to preserve At All Costs.

And fucking leftists bastardized the message as "the movie of the Proletariat and Class struggle". No, dipshit! It's about Authoritarianism.

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I'm on a Stonetoss comics roll and I'm not stopping.

TL-DW: Autophagy and Saunas help increase cardiovascular health and lower spike protein count in your blood stream.

Happy 4th of July to the Amerimuts out there.Don't forget to pour one for the French who made the difference in that war.

Those AFU POW testimonies really are showing there's no turning the tide around for the West. You're screwed if you resort to abducting random civilians as your last resort.

@Tfmonkey isn't it slightly suspicious that France is rife with riots following Macron's attempt to join the BRICS meeting ?

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