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@Tfmonkey Asking Sex Toys Recommendation:

I'd like to get a spinning pocket pussy that is:

- small and portable
- easy to hide
- that you previously reviewed
- within my budget ( €80 or less )

I invite you to share your sponsor links, I'm more than happy supporting you and those who trust you for sponsoring their products.

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Russians no longer fear the west technology. How soon until the rest of the world also stops fearing them? @Tfmonkey

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I'm watching a video in French explaining why the Welfare State and Progressivism as a whole is making the World shitty.

He mainly references a book by British doctor Theodore Darlymple called "Life at the Bottom".

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Genuine Question:

How degenerate were the people of Germany prior to the Nazi political takeover?

Posterity of a colonial power that:

Fucked the Squaz vs Didn't

No wonder Stonetoss is a great webcomic artist.

Look at this shit. Not a word and we all understood.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.