@Tfmonkey I heard that in the military your wife can call command and get you in trouble.

Is this true?

If so, what interest does the military have in personal affairs?

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey - A wife can... but since it would affect her husband's pay (and therefore her own standard of living), she is incentivized not to.

Though, it still happens. Because the term "reasonable woman" is an oxymoron.

@YoMomz @Tfmonkey

Why would they care though?

If some bitch called my job they wouldn't dock my pay for it.

Seems pretty stupid but I forgot the military is part of the gov so oh well.

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey - Command? That's easy. I grew up as an Army brat, and served in the Chair Force.

The military is very concerned about its image. There are very high ranking people, who lay awake at night, just dreading the next scandal (which is inevitable, and likely to be sexual in nature).

Military towns are shit towns. I believe it's unavoidable due the fundamental nature of warfare and those who fight.

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey - But "America" is a puritan nation, and it's important that the public is able to believe their military are the good guys.

So as a consequence to these conditions, the military will discharge anyone who's being too big a dirtbag, too publicly - after other punishments.

There's a lot of really good guys in the military. But there's a lot of dirtbags too. The public can't find out about it.

It's basically another case of mass infantilization and feels over reals.



@basedbagel @Tfmonkey - It's important to note though... as I'm talking shit here 🙄, that people can change.

Personally, I started my military career as an unapologetic dirtbag. But after serving a cause greater than myself, and making sacrifices for the same... and even more so by watching others make their sacrifices, I grew to appreciate what America is supposed to be. And I came out of it a much better person than I went in. 🍻

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