@Tfmonkey - Hey, 👋

So I was listening to last week's MC, and I was listening to your struggles in losing that last 10 lbs. I can relate.

Recently I tried something that you might find helpful: umzu.com/products/zupoo

The body has many mechanical aspects, and it occurs to me that the first step in restoring a 40yo tool or machine, is cleaning out the crud. And intuitively, perhaps the same is true for a body. 🤔💁🏻‍♂️

Anyway, there was nothing unmanageable... no emergency situations. 😅


@Tfmonkey - And I gotta say, my stomach is noticeably flatter and more like it once was. I'm feeling lighter on my feet. And I can't prove this, but the entirety of my body/metabolism feels more efficient - like cleaning out a very neglected car engine.

Anywho, just a tip in case you've never tried it (or something similar)... 🫡

Cheers. 🍻

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@YoMomz @Tfmonkey I think you can't have routine or your body will adapt.

I now do fasting for day after days of having meal

1-6 days of eating I do one fasting for +-48 hours

This really help your body to use everything and give your body time to reuse and recycle your body with autophagy.

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