
I think the most important aspect of successfully navigating collapse, is having an accurate view of things. The world is complex, and so should our thinking be. 🤔

To that end, I like to try to dismantle my own viewpoint of things, from time to time, just to be sure that my arguments are strong.

In that spirit, here's a video I found worth watching about the education system.

P.S. - I think this guy is only like 24yo... so I cut him some slack in many ways. 🫡🍻

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The moment I see that ship logo I guess it is probably zionist so called christian so called conservatives talking about the heritage of the so called great nation of the United States & wrong from it's very foundation but with broken clock is right twice a day moments to make people think they have a good foundation

Where they mention something that is true but not because of their bad foundation but for other reasons

But I would have to actually listen to know if I guessed right


I think I was proven right in the first 22 seconds where they mentioned the civil war but I will continue listening to test my prediction and maybe skip around a little

My first hint was the ship logo in the thumb nail picture before even playing the video


Ok so he fails to understand things because he thinks history is real coming from a humanities background and imagines a great heritage

He fails to understand the importance of math

Lack of a willing attitude to learn math is why black people are poor in spite of being so much free stuff, they still do not have the math nor the discipline to budget correctly which is what the high school algebra would have been useful for even thoufh he thinks he does not use it


Languages have actually been improving over time & ancient languages are worse

Let me give you an example

If you want to say hello to a room of 100 females and 1 male you use the masculine plural version of hello in Hebrew

So if you hear the feminine version of hello you know there are no males

But if you hear the masculine plural version of hello you can not tell if there are any females

This is absolute chaos for legal documents because do masculine word rules apply to women?


I am not going to correct my previous typos because then it would throw the placement of my replies out of place

He is wrong that old language books prove people were smarter

Modern English is actually objevtively superior to every single older European and Middle Eastern language that forces verbs, nouns or adjectives to always have a specific pattern in the conjugation or declining pattern to declare what gender something is which leads to misleading legal documents & transgender..


Why are old books hard to read

1 Old language had less accuracy & precision as I already explained. People can not come to a correct understanding because it was worded with so little accuracy and precision but they mistakenly believe they can not come to a correct understanding because people's reading comprehension was better back then & their comprehension is worse

2 A inferior printing press. Christ was spelled like Chrift. No easy way to control the font and picture graphics


I would suggest that he is correct however that people are getting stupider due to certain government policies

I would guess this started at whatever year people were allowed to use calculators to multiply one digit numbers and still graduate with a high school degree ( maybe even being allowed to use a calculator to multiply one digit numbers without even a learning disability or retardation diagnosis today ? )


I would suggest that most the people that bought the thousand plus page history books he mentioned did not read the whole thing back in their time but only bits & pieces of it

Much like so called Christians today usually do not read the one thousand plus page Bible but purchase one and talk about it to impress people

Now I know it's possible because I read through it but having read through it makes me doubt all the more the percent of people that read those thousand plus page books

@shortstories - Oh, that's just the first chapter of the video.

He winds up putting the blame for the failing school system at the feet of the female teacher cohort. So, it was nice to see someone from a different perspective (I'd put him in the Jordan Peterson camp), arrive at the same conclusions. It's sort of like a "sanity check".

There's a hazard of oversimplified thinking, that comes with discovering a fundamental truth like 'men build society & women destroy it.'

@shortstories - I plan to rebuild society to whatever extent I can in the post-collapse, & I've been thinking for some time that the concept of public school should be done away with. So it was good to see someone with a differing perspective agree on that.

Is he tradcuck? Sure, a little bit. But right should be right, no matter who's looking at the problem. So yeah, that was good to see. Cheers. 😁🍻

@shortstories @YoMomz More Goverment
Refusal to hold everyone to the same exact standard
1 child per family
Pussy Pass
Gay torrlance
Mainstream programming
income tax
wage tax
central banking
overseas manfactoring
refusal to speak up
refusal to accept genetic traits

its all lead to the dumbing down of tax cattle


Nice. You tripped my autism nerve, and it turns out you are bang on the money.

I did a reverse image search for that logo, see images.

This channel has 16 videos, oldest is 1 year ago but has 557K subs - red flag.

This channel is funded zio commie propaganda. Others have noticed:

@YoMomz: don't be taken in. The reading list in that video alone should ring alarm bells.

@UncleIroh @YoMomz

I have seen a lot of logos that look like a ship on shows played on zionist so called christian so called conservative TV channels

I have also seen that logo on lots of so called conservative think tank groups that tend to ignore the problem of the Ashkenazi & Sephardic people who call themselves Jews but lie about their religion & lie about their primary ancestry

I think the ship represents the puritan and pilgrim ships to the United States & it's claimed zionist heritage

@shortstories @YoMomz

Yes, the old "Judaeo-Christian" greatest ally we're all buddies rugpull. I'd bet that the funding trail touches NGOs, media channels and ultimately billionaire donor class money.

The aim here is obvious: seed the media landscape with counterfactual and/or revisionist takes on culture and history - the clue is in name - WhatIfAltHist.

The logo was a good spot.

@UncleIroh @YoMomz

i want a what if history of what if the United States and England said Hitler was right and attacked the Soviet Union in an alliance with Hitler

Was that in any of the what if world war two alternate histories on a playlist with a name similar to that

@shortstories @YoMomz

> i want a what if history of what if the United States and England said Hitler was right and attacked the Soviet Union in an alliance with Hitler

That's an interesting counterfactual. Assuming a USSR loss, Israel would still exist but the JQ might have been solved in the West. I say might, because by WWII there was already considerable Zionist incursion into banking, media, academia, etc..

@UncleIroh @shortstories - Well, that logo business is news to me. 💁🏻‍♂️😅

But everything is a two way street. I've been watching the guy for years... just 'cause history is a favorite subject of mine.

I've been dropping collapse-pills and red-pills in the comments the entire time. And these were backed by solid logic too.

And over time, he's broadened his views to include a lot of it. And that reaches his audience.

That feels something like an honest & wholesome win to me. 😉🍻

@YoMomz @shortstories

Big money has flooded all media with this kind of propaganda. Lots more to come in 2024.

Consider this a W for the manosphere autism braintrust.

@UncleIroh @YoMomz

According to official history George Floyd really died and was not a mannequin and there was a deadly pandemic of a never before seen virus in 2019 because old news will be classified as history

I just can not believe in essentially the entire field of history anymore after seeing people believe whatever they made up on the news in a massive scale

@UncleIroh @YoMomz

I disbelieve in history so much after seeing people watch the news and believe it that

As far as I am concerned Hitler, Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy might not have even existed but been characters in a old fiction soap opera called the news and Joe Biden and Donald Trump might not exist to this day but be characters in a script for the current fiction soap opera called the news

@shortstories @UncleIroh - Official history should always be looked at with a critical eye (and critical thinking), no doubt. Ancient narratives change... For example, Herodotus claims Persia had a million men at Thermopylae. And for epochs, that number was taken at face value.

Then in the mid-20th century, a historian did the math, based on Prussian military doctrine (a very meticulous people 😉), and found that such an army's marching column would stretch for hundreds of miles. 🤦🏻‍♂️

@shortstories @UncleIroh - So a grain of salt is always called for.

But without history, there is nothing. So, I see wisdom to be gained in the field. Though I don't read anything from the last 20yrs. 🍻

@YoMomz @UncleIroh

1000 men in rows times 1000 men in columns gives you 1 million men

( technicly my units are not right, men times men gives you square men but you know what I mean I hope )

Less than one square mile

If they have to go through a narrow pass then you can still fit most of them in one square mile outside the narrow pass waiting in turn to enter it

That gives 25 square feet or 5 feet by 5 feet per person

5000 feet by 5000 feet fits 1000 people by 1000 people

@shortstories - It would be silly of me to dispute the math there... 🤔 But I would be remiss if I failed to point out: no army marches like that - in a big square.

And the stakes in war, are often everything. So if no one does it, I have to think there must be a good reason why - probably related to command and control.

@YoMomz We will need

CB radio
LORA/Express LRS
Paper Maps
Paper Books
Remote Outposts
Bartering trade centres
Vechiles pre 2004/2000
Our own fuel
Our Own gas
Our own food
underground gardens
Underground Aquaponics

The ((( State ))) ((( EDUCATION ))) has been a kosher gatekeeper and control/brainwashing system since the last realm reset (1750)

@charliebrownau - I see a biblical amount of death coming up. I don't know if it's on any divine agenda, but with the sheer number of people available to die, compared to biblical times... 🤔🤔

I was hoping to make a success of myself, and set up shop with multiple properties located in some secluded mountain valley. But we seem to be quickly running out of time.

So, I'm now setting my sights on a rural homestead on small acreage - with an eye to future expansion under the right conditions.

@charliebrownau - Needless to say, I don't expect to maintain modern living standards. I'm planning for no electricity & no petro-energy. Overkill?🤔 Maybe.

But if my gamble pays off, it will be the best living standard available. In theory, whatever is most in tune with human nature will prosper, in societal terms.

I plan to create a civilizational seed. 🫡🍻

@YoMomz Yup
That's why Survival is needed , not state power

Compressed Air Tools made of wood/steel/metal
Handtools - made of wood/steel/metal
Underground Herbs/spices
Underground Aquaponics
Underground Quail/Gunini pigs

In my view PCP air rifles will be the future not ((( Black Powder))) guns

Bit more advanced then armish
but as much as non AC Power
as we can do

We will need to do everything our selfs

Bowls, Tables , Water, Pipes,etc

I expect most of tax cattle get rounded up and smart survliance minute cities

and a buffer zone to create a " NATURE" strip
so they can wall off the cities

the ((( system)) might even trade with remote townships in the long term
if they dont send robots/drones/niggers/arabs after us constantly
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