All of you who actually think Trump dodged a bullet and who refuse to even question it, this is what you look like to me, because this whole narrative is a joke and if you buy into it, then so are you:

@Based_Accelerationist - Eh, I questioned it momentarily, and quickly concluded that Trump dodged a bullet. Sometimes shit happens. That's actually one of my life maxims:

•"shit happens."
•"whaddya gonna do?"
•"fuck it."

More than 90% of everything in life, is covered by one of them.

If I must be a joke... 🤔 Let me be a funny one. 🍻

@YoMomz You concluded it based on what? There was no evidence that he was shot and there was no motive for the deep state to shoot him. Not to mention that the idea he actually lucked out, posed for the cameras and went on to the next rally like it was nothing, is preposterous.

We're talking about actors at the highest level, not regular people. Shit doesn't just happen and especially not like that. Now you have the media calling the Left BlueAnon conspiracy theorists for saying it was staged.

@YoMomz If clown world has left you so apathetic that something like this is simply explained by "shit happens", then you are becoming part of that world, part of that joke, even if subconsciously. I'll let you decide if that's funny.

I wouldn't buy this in a million years, even if it didn't look so fake. It's Trump ffs, the biggest zionist asset they have. Nothing about him is legit, much less this. He surrounds himself with the deep state, he goes to jail when told to but they can't kill him!


@Based_Accelerationist - Oh yeah, regarding apathy... Maybe I am. This world is doomed. My plan is to survive it, and help build the next world.

So if I seem apathetic, 🤔 I suppose I am. Fuck this world. It deserves to die. Trump has served his cosmic purpose, as far as I can tell. He shook things up.

He could've been great, and that ship has sailed. But aside from all the Zionism, he's done pretty good. We all know a lot more about the cathedral and their machinations, thanks to Trump. 🍻

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