All of you who actually think Trump dodged a bullet and who refuse to even question it, this is what you look like to me, because this whole narrative is a joke and if you buy into it, then so are you:

@Based_Accelerationist - Eh, I questioned it momentarily, and quickly concluded that Trump dodged a bullet. Sometimes shit happens. That's actually one of my life maxims:

•"shit happens."
•"whaddya gonna do?"
•"fuck it."

More than 90% of everything in life, is covered by one of them.

If I must be a joke... 🤔 Let me be a funny one. 🍻


@YoMomz You concluded it based on what? There was no evidence that he was shot and there was no motive for the deep state to shoot him. Not to mention that the idea he actually lucked out, posed for the cameras and went on to the next rally like it was nothing, is preposterous.

We're talking about actors at the highest level, not regular people. Shit doesn't just happen and especially not like that. Now you have the media calling the Left BlueAnon conspiracy theorists for saying it was staged.

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@YoMomz If clown world has left you so apathetic that something like this is simply explained by "shit happens", then you are becoming part of that world, part of that joke, even if subconsciously. I'll let you decide if that's funny.

I wouldn't buy this in a million years, even if it didn't look so fake. It's Trump ffs, the biggest zionist asset they have. Nothing about him is legit, much less this. He surrounds himself with the deep state, he goes to jail when told to but they can't kill him!

@Based_Accelerationist - It is indeed clown world. I'm not saying this to brag, but only because it seems relevant: I once had an in-depth IQ test done as a child, for a talented and gifted program. It came back at 147. My brain developed since then, and I've killed a few brain cells too 💊🥃, so give or take.

So why aren't I in charge? Because I choose not to lie, cheat, or steal. I have to live with myself, and I don't want to deal with a guilty conscience. ➡️

@Based_Accelerationist - ➡️ But the cathedral is really not that bright, and I think you give them too much credit. Imagine a bunch of selfish, amoral retards who have been handed power.

The cathedral, for all their power and conspiracy, are a collection of individuals with their own individual interests. Maybe they're too retarded to see Trump's potential as an asset. Maybe there's dissention in their ranks.

But either way, someone decided to call a shot, and the shooter missed. It happens.

@Based_Accelerationist - because I can see what's gonna happen to some extent (thanks to an interest in history, and because math is reliable), I've spent quite a bit of time at the range.

And I can say with confidence, that it's very easy to miss a shot. 💁🏻‍♂️ So that's what I think happened there. Don't go with the budget option for assassins.

Cheers, friend. 🫡🍻

@YoMomz Regarding the Trump situation, if you isolate every variable, there's nothing too unbelievable about any of them. Missing a shot? It happens. A poorly planned assassination attempt? It happens. Incompetent DEI security? It happens. The same 9/11 Bush photographer getting a pic of the bullet in real time? Sure, why not.
A politician being totally unfazed by the situation, posing for the camera and heading to the next rally? Cool.

Part 1/2

@YoMomz Every known shill hyping up the possibility of an assassination attempt as of late? By itself, not too surprising.

The same politician that has been used to manipulate the Right into falling for psyops, the guy the "Cathedral" is trying to sell to the Right as a hero, happens to dodge the bullet?

The Left being called conspiracy theorists now?


However, if you put all the pieces together, it becomes very hard to believe the narrative. The logical assumption is that it was staged

@YoMomz I agree that being intelligent and having a leadership position aren't necessarily synonyms. It's usually down to ambition (often to an extreme and deranged degree, when we're talking about world leaders) and family connections.

That being said, I am NOT overestimating the people in charge. I know the popular narrative is that the West is committing suicide out of stupidity, but that is just plain false. Their minions however? Sure, they're just power hungry puppets for the most part.

@YoMomz There's no Western "Cathedral", all of those people work for the Jewish Mafia. They aren't committing suicide, they're forcing the West and the East to destroy each other. The "stupidity" is by design.

The minds in charge are brilliant, just look at covid and how they masterfully vaccinated the world. Look at everything that the Jews accomplished and the subtle and refined strategies they employed to subvert every other nation. Calling them anything but geniuses is underestimating them.

@Based_Accelerationist @YoMomz Calling them genius is underestimating them they commune with immortals thru ritual blood sex magic for power on earth,total controll on earth is what they seek and the goal of a world wide digital currency brought to the market to replace the petro dollar with a carbon credit system under the guise of climate change to save the planet will be signed by all UN members and Trump and Putin in a peace treaty at COP29 in Azerbaijan in Nov after elections

@Scubbie @Based_Accelerationist @YoMomz
All that magical occult power and they can't even stop a knife. Weak shit.

@Zeb @Based_Accelerationist @YoMomz Now it cuts like a knife yeah
But It feels so right
Oh! It cuts like a knife
Yeah! But it feels so right

@Scubbie @Based_Accelerationist - If the powers that be are using supernatural powers, or are being used by supernatural powers... then it's all out of our hands.

All we could do is our best, in serving whatever supernatural power we worship. I call mine "God" (though I'm sure he has many names), and I trust in him. I do my best to make sure my actions are in accordance with his will. Since he's the creator, nature is his work, and I use nature as my guide (to include human nature). 🫡🍻

@YoMomz @Based_Accelerationist This is to be mortal man,accepting you have no control,thinking we are so evolved because of knowledge to create,but what good is our creation in death,the next man will inherit it,Time takes us in our mortality,so what do we do with our time here,does it matter,having faith that our moral decisions make us a good person,this is a matter of perception good,evil,right or wrong,do animals concern themselves with these things at the start of the day

@Based_Accelerationist - Oh yeah, regarding apathy... Maybe I am. This world is doomed. My plan is to survive it, and help build the next world.

So if I seem apathetic, 🤔 I suppose I am. Fuck this world. It deserves to die. Trump has served his cosmic purpose, as far as I can tell. He shook things up.

He could've been great, and that ship has sailed. But aside from all the Zionism, he's done pretty good. We all know a lot more about the cathedral and their machinations, thanks to Trump. 🍻

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