
The plan to confiscate the gold from Argentina and send it to Israel has been in motion this whole time.

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@Zeb For me is surprising that Argentina still have s Gold reserve

Contrary to media, Argentina is crazy resource rich and they still have reserves. Israel couldn't confiscate their gold and silver before during the defaults because it was onsite. Until now...

@Zeb @VeganMGTOW

The financial fuckery going on there is off the scale, e.g. debt-for-land swaps. Yes you read that right.

Milei is 100% a neoliberal Zionist lackey.

@UncleIroh @Zeb @VeganMGTOW They are giving people digital free world coin if they scan their retina and other biometrics and open an account,they are like 87% white so Jews can grift as whitey

@Scubbie @UncleIroh @Zeb They want from Argentina land and human cattle that way more value than Gold.

@VeganMGTOW @UncleIroh @Zeb Argentina and Brazil buys cheap Hydro power from Paraguay 2nd largest hydro electric dam in the world,Electricity for digital currency farming, Argentina has free range beef everywhere as well it has abundant resources

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