@Stahesh Well, an attack on Israel means the US will be involved, as well.

@sardonicsmile Anything that is controled needs to be destroyed and killed.

Like to get to the boss either you kill all minions so you can focus boss or focus boss without getting hit by minions.

@Stahesh You have never experienced Combat. You speak with a brashness and indignation of someone for too removed from the horrors of Military Service.

@Scubbie @sardonicsmile I think I am in too much reality.

I know that existance is basically negativity.

And what real shits look like. I even saw so many fuck up shit on liveleak crazyshit or kaotic websites

Nothing stops no one from doing everything I can go in night rape women or kill men in their sleep

Either you die weak or you become the god The being that seek perfection

When you find what god is you will be scared of negativity and complexity especially in survival of existances

@Stahesh @sardonicsmile sorry to hear that my uncle suffered from what they would call PTSD from the Vietnam war and self medicated his life away,I hate that anyone has to experience the horror of war and if only this cult would let humanity live in peace instead of turmoil so they can remain in power by manipulating wars


@Scubbie @Stahesh @sardonicsmile
Be like Hadrian. Kill the corruptors and start an immediate golden age.

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