I'm seeing this everywhere now, so I guess this is the new controlled opposition narrative: "Israel is bad, but only because the people in charge aren't real Jews! They're Khazarian/Frankists/Satanists!
They're not following the Torah, but disrespecting it"

This is obviously a cope and I'm sure it will play very well among Christian groups, especially since the people spewing these stories, also deny dinosaurs existed, like Candace Owens:




We deserved better psy ops. The jews don't even try anymore.

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@Zeb I don't know, I think this one might become pretty popular. Soon enough, we might be in the minority calling out Judaism and the Torah while many others (especially Christians) will say Zionism isn't Jewish and that they're fake Jew Satanists.

@Zeb @Based_Accelerationist

Sabbatai Zevi and the Jacob Frank movement, I would recommend Robert Sepher videos and books on the cult,and remember they defend their trash so even your Torah loving Jews are enabling the evil to flourish and financing it,I am sure they can justify it of chorus, Understand the Serpent seed doctrine and the curse of Cain and how the Kennites subverted the Israelites religion beware of the city builders the sons of Cain who are of their father the Devil

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