Eastern Europeans who hate Russia and Sunni Muslims who hate Iran and fight fore and cheer on the Jewish run Western Empire are like the black tribes of Africa that sold other blacks into slavery for gunpowder only to be enslaved themselves at a later date.

I get that weak men create hard times and all, but do you realize you're cheering for your own enslavement?

@Tfmonkey Not too different from the other side that sees the West as the Great Satan and cheers on the Jewish run Eastern Empire. Two sides of the same coin, like Reps and Dems.

China is the model for the dystopia, Russia is owned by Chabad with Putin being a huge Jewish cocksucker and even the leaders of Hezbollah push the same propaganda as Halsey, that Israel is just a puppet of the US and we're the real evil.

Where exactly are these strong men that don't cheer for their own enslavement?


@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey IMO they don't exist yet. Strong men are created through hardship and challenges - literally forged in fire.
The environment for them to show up doesn't exist currently.

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@Zeb Oh they're rare, but they exist. Most are either living in the woods or they're in prison.

Then you have the strong men who cheer for their own slavery, because they aren't smart enough to see through the collectivist bullshit, which unfortunately are the majority. Unlike the previous group, they've adapted to modern society, but they enforce everything that is wrong with it, by fighting the wars and policing the streets. Without them, the weak men would have no one to fall back on.

@Zeb @Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey

I did a marathon re-watch of Lord of The Rings over Christmas, extended versions of course. They really are unbeatable movies and like ancient Greek stories, remind us of the eternal truths about human nature and struggle.

TFM frames current geopolitics in the same grand stage, one where a 1000 years of darkness is being threatened by the forces of Neoloberalism/Fabianism/Globalism, however you want to name it.

And I largely agree with that framing.

@Zeb @Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey

The grand strategy of the Zionist-infected West has always been divide & conquer, and I believe that has limited gas in the tank.

The Muslim world is still going through their own Century of Humiliation like the Chinese did, but they have experienced so much death through the legacy of British/Jewish divide & conquer, it's becoming an exhausted strategy.

And Zionism's hegemony is going to die within our lifetimes, there's just no way it can sustain.

@Zeb @Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey

And to be clear, when I say Zionism and/or Globalism, I also mean Feminism, Globohomo, anti-family, anti-natal & anti-white ideologies. All Enlightenment philosophy & it's many fruits are up for radical re-evaluation.

Institutions that helped birth this poison, all will be de-legitimized. And yes, that also includes Churches.

This is inevitable, and those who think things can stand as they are for more centuries have to be either stupid or insane.

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