
I'm don't support domestic violence but can we stop pretending like there are a critical mass of guys out here haymaking hoes for no reason?

It's just sick and doesn't help anyone

@basedbagel the problem is that simps and feminists believe there is NEVER a reason to hit a woman, so even if she hits you first, or if she's coming at you with a knife, you're just supposed to turtle up or run away, or at best, hold her wrists and try to get her to drop the knife without leaving any bruises, otherwise you're a sick toxic ___ist ___ist ___phobe.

@Tfmonkey @basedbagel @Tfmonkey @basedbagel Rekieta just covered the Dana White incident. Conclusion: measured, justified response. Didn't beat the shit out of his wife. Asserted dominance appropriately after being publicly humiliated.



It's all such horseshit.

I watched a friend of mine get the shit beat out of him by some black girl and everyone thought it was funny. All they said was "Maybe she likes you."

And he couldn't do SHIT about it because of muh racism and soggy knees.

It's gotten to thr point where I question legit rape/dv victims due to the RAMPANT abuse of the system.

@basedbagel In this day and age everything what men should do is seen as toxic and abusive. They want men to lead but now act like they know how to behave. But with their actions we can see they want to be kept in line. They are driven by emotions and will tests you all the time to see if you are strong men that will punish her bad behavior. We can see this in their actions for picking guys. Like bad boys and chads are not know for their niceness.


I agree and I don't see this ending well. I'm convinced this has to be a a conspiracy of some sort. Why would you demonize the people who make your society possible and occupy all essential jobs?

@basedbagel What I saw little from BDSM community they call this type brat. “A brat is a submissive who loves to push buttons and ‘break’ rules. They behave this way to deliberately provoke attention from their Dominant,” which of course can lead to punishment. Look at some men that have wife and she is constanly more bitchy because they are too nice to punish her bad behavior. That only escalate her behavior.

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